Sunday, October 30, 2005

Celtic orientation

He then followed Suazo in the presidency. . It was the Tennessee Republican's first visit of the year to Iowa, the state that traditionally kicks off the presidential nominating season.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

commandants closed

Football is now a multibillion-dollar global industry. . But he acknowledges the parallels between the teams, right down to the makeovers both underwent since their first meeting in the NLCS, changes brought on by frail health and monetary decisions.

Monday, October 03, 2005

appearer sooth

"A witness said that my father was sitting, facing the beach when a man opened his jacket and pulled the trigger in front of him," said Nugroho, a Jakarta-based reporter in his late 20s who works for the Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizan Shimbun. . Industry analyst Lauren Rich Fine suspects Google might use some of that money to buy a stake in its biggest business partner, America Online — and thus thwart Microsoft's reported attempt to form an alliance with AOL.